Supply Lists
1 backpack
1 lunchbox
1 waterbottle
2 bottle of hand sanitizer (10-12 oz bottles)
8 Elmer's washable purple glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
2 boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
1 box Crayola washable markers (10-12 count)
1 set washable Crayola watercolors (8 colors)
1 package Crayola jumbo crayons (16 count)
1 package Crayola washable finger paint set (10 count)
1 pkg of card stock, assorted colors
1 pkg construction paper
1 bottle Elmer's washable liquid glue
1 thick plastic 2 pocket folder
1 package dot markers
1 package of fat pencils (pre-sharpened)
1 writing manuscript tablet
1 pkg Scotch 3M thermal laminating pouches (100 count)
1 box of snack size ziplocks
2 containers Clorox wipes
2 boxes Kleenex
1 backpack
1 lunchbox
1 waterbottle
2 bottle of hand sanitizer (10-12 oz bottles)
8 Elmer's washable purple glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
2 boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
1 box Crayola washable markers (10-12 count)
1 set washable Crayola watercolors (8 colors)
1 pkg pencils, sharpened, 30 ct.
1 pkg construction paper
1 pkg of card stock, assorted colors
1 pencil sharpener (with shavings holder)
1 pkg Scotch 3M thermal laminating pouches (100 count)
2 boxes Crayola colored pencils (12 count)
1 pkg EXPO (THIN) (4 count)
1 pkg EXPO (THICK) (4 count)
1 pkg baby wipes
1 pack of stickers
2 pink erasers
2 containers Clorox wipes
2 boxes Kleenex
1 backpack
1 lunchbox
1 waterbottle
2 bottle of hand sanitizer (10-12 oz bottles)
8 Elmer's washable purple glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 box Crayola washable markers (10-12 count)
1 set Crayola washable watercolors (8 colors)
1 pkg Crayola washable crayons (48 ct instead of the 24 count)
1 pkg Crayola washable colored pencils (12 count)
1 pkg pencils, sharpened, 30 ct.
2 pkgs construction paper
1 pkg of card stock, assorted colors
1 Primary journal creative story tablet
1 pkg EXPO dry erase markers, THIN (4 count)
2 Mr. Clean magic erasers
1 GREEN plastic Five Star 3 prong folder
1 ORANGE plastic Five Star 3 prong folder
1 BLUE plastic Five Star 3 prong folder
2 containers Clorox wipes
4 boxes Kleenex
1 backpack
1 lunchbox
1 waterbottle
2 bottle of hand sanitizer (10-12 oz bottles)
8 Elmer's washable purple glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
2 boxes Crayola washable crayons (24 count)
1 box Crayola washable markers (10-12 count)
1 set Crayola washable watercolors (8 colors)
2 boxes Crayola washable colored pencils (12 count)
1 pkg pencils, sharpened (30 count)
1 pkg construction paper
1 pkg of card stock, assorted colors
1-1" 3 ring binder
1 pkg of 5 dividers
2 pkgs wide ruled loose leaf paper
1 pencil sharpener (with shavings holder)
1 pkg EXPO dry erase markers, THIN (4 count)
1 pkg EXPO dry erase markers, THICK (4 count)
1 pkg baby wipes
1 12" ruler (centimeters and inches)
1 pencil pouch or box
2 pink erasers
1 8 1/2 x11" dry erase board with marker & eraser
2 containers Clorox wipes
2 boxes Kleenex
1 backpack
1 mobile crate (Office Depot, Amazon or rolling tool box)
1 lunchbox
1 waterbottle
1 bottle of hand sanitizer (10-12 oz bottle)
1 pencil case or box
1 pencil sharpener (with shavings holder)
1 pk Elmer's washable purple glue sticks (4 count)
1 pair of scissors
2 Pink erasers or white Polymer eraser
1 pkg Crayola washable colored pencils (12 count)
1 pkg Crayola washable crayons (24 count)
1 pkg Crayola washable markers (10-12 count)
1 pkg pencils, sharpened (30 count)
1 plastic folder for homework
1 variety pack of Clorox wipes (3 count)
2 boxes Kleenex
1 can Disinfectant spray
4-1 subject notebook
3-Composition books
5-Plastic folders with prongs
ESV Bible
1 pkg Index cards
1 Index card box
1 backpack
1 mobile crate (Office Depot, Amazon or rolling tool box)
1 lunchbox
1 waterbottle
1 bottle of hand sanitizer (10-12 oz bottle)
1 pencil case or box
1 pencil sharpener (with shavings holder)
1 pk Elmer's washable purple glue sticks (4 count)
1 pair of scissors
2 Pink erasers or white Polymer eraser
1 pkg Crayola washable colored pencils (12 count)
1 pkg Crayola washable crayons (24 count)
1 pkg Crayola washable markers (10-12 count)
1 pkg pencils, sharpened, 30 count
1 plastic folder for homework
1 variety pack of Clorox wipes (3 count)
2 boxes Kleenex
1 can Disinfectant spray
4-6 Grammar
1 Composition book
1 subject notebook
1 Plastic folder with prongs
1 package of clear page protectors
4-6 Math
1 subject notebook
1 Plastic folder with prongs
1 Protractor
1 clear plastic ruler
1 pkg of grid paper
4-6 Bible
ESV Bible
1 subject notebook
1 Plastic folder with prongs
4-6 Latin
1 subject notebook
1 pkg Index Cards
1 Plastic folder with prongs
4-6 Science
1 Composition book
4-6 Omnibus
1 pkg Index Cards
1 Composition book
1 Sketch book
1 Index card box
1 package of modeling clay (at least 8 colors)
1-1" 3 ring binder
1 pkg page protectors (50 count)
1 backpack
1 mobile crate (Office Depot, Amazon or rolling tool box)
1 lunchbox
1 waterbottle
1 bottle of hand sanitizer (10-12 oz bottle)
1 pencil case or box
1 pencil sharpener (with shavings holder)
1 pk Elmer's washable purple glue sticks (4 count)
1 pair of scissors
2 Pink erasers or white Polymer eraser
1 pkg Crayola washable colored pencils (12 count)
1 pkg Crayola washable crayons (24 count)
1 pkg Crayola washable markers (10-12 count)
1 pkg Crayola washable markers, THIN
1 pkg pencils, sharpened, 30 count
1 pkg thin highlighters, 4 colors
1 pkg Black or Blue pens
1 pkg Red pens
2 pkgs college ruled notebook paper
1 plastic folder for homework
1 variety pack of Clorox wipes (3 count)
2 boxes Kleenex
1 can Disinfectant spray
7-8 Grammar
1 Composition book
1 subject notebook
1 Plastic folder with prongs
1 pkg clear page protectors (50 count)
7-8 Pre-Algebra
1- 3 subject spiral notebook
1 Protractor
1 clear plastic ruler
1 compass
1 pkg of grid paper
1-Scientific calculator (not graphing)
4x6 index cards spiral bound (Aprroximately 100 count)
7-8 Bible
ESV Bible
1 subject notebook
1 Composition book
7-8 Science
1 Composition book
1- 1.5" binder
7-8 Omnibus
1 pkg Index Cards
1 Composition book
1 Index card box
1-1" binder
1 pkg clear page protectors (50 count)
1 pkg tab dividers (5 tabs)
7-8 Logic
1- 1" binder
1 pkg tab dividers (3 tabs)
PreK-8th Grade Enrichment
1 backpack
1 lunchbox
1 waterbottle
4 Elmer's washable purple glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 box Crayola washable crayons (24 count)
1 pkg Crayola washable colored pencils (36 count)
1 box Crayola washable markers (12 count)
1 pkg pencils, sharpened (30 count)
2 containers Clorox wipes
2 boxes Kleenex
PK-6 Nature Studies
1 This is My Father's World- Christian Nature Study Journal for kids (on Amazon)
PK-6 STEM/Entrepreneurship
(3-6th) 1 Composition book
(1-2nd) 1 Plastic folder
PK-6 Health & Wellness
1 Apologia Anatomy Notebooking Journal (junior for the 1-3rd grade (https://www.christianbook.com/notebooking-journal-exploring-creation-anatomy-physiology/jeannie-fulbright/9781935495475/pd/495475?event=ESRCG) and regular for the 4-6th grade https://www.christianbook.com/notebooking-journal-human-anatomy-and-physiology/jeannie-fulbright/9781935495154/pd/337016?en=google&event=SHOP&kw=homeschool-20-40%7C337016&p=1179710&utm_source=google&dv=c&cb_src=google&cb_typ=shopping&cb_cmp=20704598123&cb_adg=155759878238&cb_kyw=&utm_medium=shopping&snav=GMERCH&gclid=CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZu71JAo_Kz2lvbU0gAFpJqGsetygW0QMy8ECnHzkYdK6EVHGF0oIjRoCV34QAvD_BwE )
1 "My Body" workbook (Pre-K - K). Amazon link: https://a.co/d/4x3OHjw
PK-6 Fine Arts
1 Kids kitchen apron
2 bottles Elmer's Washable white liquid glue
1 pkg Strathore Toned Tan artist tiles, brown, 30 sheets on Amazon https://a.co/d/aE2Uijc
1 Prang Construction paper, Black 9" x 12", 100 sheets. on Amazon. https://a.co/d/aE2Uijc
7-8 American History
1- 1 subject notebook
1 Plastic folder with prongs
1 Composition book
1-colored pencils (12+ count)
2 bottles Elmer's liquid glue
3 Elmer's Disappearing purple glue sticks
1 pkg Washable watercolor paint set with brush (8 colors)
1 pkg Washable finger paint set (6+ color count)
1 pkg Crayola washable markers, BROAD (12 count)
1 pkg Jumbo crayons (8 count)
1 pair of toddler blunt ended scissors
1 Box of Kleenex
2 Expo Dry Erase Markers
3 containers of Clorox wipes