Turning Point Academy is committed to advancing all types of Judeo-Christian, conservative values education with special emphasis on seeding 5C schools -Christian, Classical, Conservative, Church-based, and Cost-affordable.
Vintage Christian Academy is proud to partner with Turning Point Academy to offer a 5C education experience for our students. We believe that our partnership with Turning Point Academy will provide our students with an unparalleled education experience that prepares them for a lifetime of leadership, service, and impact in the world

Our goal is to provide an education that is rooted in God's truth and that will help children grow into adults who love and honor Him. We believe that education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but about forming character and instilling values that will last a lifetime. Our curriculum is designed to be consistent with a biblical worldview, and all subjects are taught with an emphasis on how they relate to God's plan for the world.
Our approach to education is based on the time-honored tradition of classical education, which has been proven over centuries to produce individuals who are well-rounded, intellectually curious, and able to think critically. We believe that education should be aimed at developing virtue and character, and that students should be challenged to think deeply and to engage with the great ideas and works of Western civilization. Our curriculum is designed to be rigorous, yet accessible, and to instill in our students a love of learning that will last a lifetime.
We are committed to providing an education that is grounded in the principles of Western civilization, which are based on a respect for individual liberty, personal responsibility, and the rule of law. Our curriculum emphasizes the importance of logic, reason, and critical thinking, and we seek to instill in our students a sense of respect for the great thinkers and leaders who have shaped our world.
As a ministry of Vintage Church, our school is committed to providing an education that is consistent with the biblical mandate of both the church and parents. We believe that education is a collaborative effort between the school, the church and the family, and we seek to work together to help students grow in their faith and understanding of God's plan for their lives. We are committed to creating a safe, nurturing environment that allows students to develop their full potential in every area of life.
We believe that a high-quality education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. As a result, we offer financial aid and scholarships to families who are a good fit for our school and who need assistance to cover the cost of tuition. Our goal is to make our school affordable to as many families as possible, while still maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence and spiritual formation.